Saturday, June 1, 2013


Here's a photo of my collection of my own personal psychic, paranormal, and spiritual experiences and my detailed notes about them.  This is what I was working on the day I psychically knew I'd find the brand new box of plastic page protectors at the thrift store.  Those sure came in handy!  Now my notes are in chronological order, in binders, and preserved.  When I get around to it I'll add colored sticky note tabs to coordinate similar-type experiences for easy reference.

I put them up in the closet just to get things off my floor.  Not such a handsome-looking collection but I know what it means to me and that's what matters.  I've put a lot of hard work into my psychic development project over the last few years and the tediously detailed notes I keep are what have gotten me this far.

I think it's really important to keep track on paper of your experiences if you want to grow in your knowledge and abilities.  I don't study this because I want to be a psychic; in fact I don't want to be one.  I don't want to give readings for others.  My passion is in learning how it works and teaching others who are interested.  And it's not about knowing the future, but about knowing who we are and where we come from, and that we really do create our reality.  I began doing this because I know I've had psychic experiences my entire life, seemingly random, and I wanted to find a reason for them.  I wanted to know why they happen and how it works.  That's all.  It's too fascinating a phenomena not to want to study it as much as possible.

I pride myself on my honesty.  But then again, I'm a Libra.  If you know me, you know not to be dishonest with me.  But then I see people being just as dishonest to themselves as they are to others, probably more so.  You see, if you can lie to yourself you can much more easily make others believe you.  I like to think that  learning about your own natural psychic ability and spiritual nature would make people much more honest with themselves.  I guess that's why I took the picture.  I'm humbled by my experiences.

I didn't even think about putting my notes in matching binders or typing up neat labels.  Instead just threw them together to get the years of piles of papers off my floor, to preserve them better, so I could flip through them when necessary to help my studies, and I just hurriedly wrote out some labels to slap on the sides.  Not too fancy is it.  My only intention was preservation and pride, not to give myself an image or a label.  Not to impress anybody.  And certainly not to lie to myself.  I still remember where I started and the hard road it took for me to get here.  If something's made it into those binders then it's pretty important to me.  I'm proud of my collection because I know what it means.

I took the picture to remind myself how hard I've worked and how far I've come.  When I began my project I was afraid that I wouldn't have enough material to write my second book.  Now I have more than I know what to do with.  But I'm not going for quantity, I'm going for quality.  I want people who read my book to learn something from me.  And I guess I just want to say it in a way which shows I really know what I'm talking about.  That's how passionate I am.

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