Tuesday, May 19, 2009


No, that's not a typo. If you don't believe me, see photo.

This home made card was found waiting for me on my bed when I came home from work the evening of Mother’s Day. My ex offered to leave the kids with me that evening but I said it was fine if he had them, despite the holiday. It’s just another day. Besides, we had already technically celebrated earlier, on Friday, when I had my parents over for a visit.

The kids had made me smaller cards earlier in the week, had done favors for me, and had even given me massages.

In my book, a foot massage beats anything. And as much as my daughter hates doing that for me, I knew that when she offered one it was a gesture of true affection. My son, on the other hand, is a natural when it comes to massage and gives it freely. It’s his usual gift to me.

So all in all, I got tons for Mother’s day, pampering and home made cards all week…but then this last one was the topper. Its rustic home-made-ness was endearing—cardboard taped together with masking tape, with finger-painted designs and “YOU ROCK!” all over the inside of it—but the icing on the cake was the spelling error. I laughed so hard when I saw it. My daughter is the first to admit that spelling and reading are not her “thing”.

When she came home that evening from her dad’s, she beamed. “Did you happen to notice anything on your bed?” I told her yes I did, but that I didn’t know what it was for. She said, “What do you mean? It’s for Mother’s Day”.

“Oh really?” I asked. “It doesn’t say that.”

She marched right up the stairs and into my room. “Look, right there. See. It says, “Happy Moth… oh. Dang it!”

I hugged her and said it was absolutely perfect.

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