Recently I've been researching, trying to learn how to get back to the fundamentals of using my Guidance and psychic abilities. I notice the patterns in my life, that sometimes I'm in that state where everything goes right, I have nothing but good luck and happy coincidences, and I feel very connected to my Guidance. Then things change and I'm out of phase with all that. So lately I've been focusing on how to consciously make the effort to put myself back in sync with that state of awareness where I feel connected and guided.
Some things have been coming together for me in this regard. A couple months ago it began with me questioning a psychic acquaintenance how she does her work, what the process is. She gives psychic readings by connecting with people's deceased loved ones. The way she receives her information is by hearing her own guidance speak to a voice. Well of course I was intrigued when I learned this, because that is exactly how I experience my own Guidance which I call, The Voice. She said her process is simply to decide and know that when it's time for her to receive information, she will receive it. She sits down, turns on her tape recorder, and the process begins. That seemed way too cut and dry and simple to me. And she said that it really is, and it was this way because she designed it that way. That's what works for her. Her advice to me, in desiring to do this type of work (and my various other plans and ideas), was to simply create my own technique.
That got me thinking for quite some time that that wasn't all there was to it. A technique is a process of steps that carries you from your desire to your goal, but the magic doesn't lie in the technique itself. And after I finally realized this, I could see why she told me to "create your own technique". Ah, now it made sense! In creating my own technique, I was essentially placing intention for that which I desire--and that intention would become incorporated and embedded in every thought, every feeling, and every maneuver of my technique, whatever that technique may be. So it wasn't the technique, per se, that did the trick, it was my intention.
But it wasn't that easy for me to figure this out. I still had a ways to go. After mulling this create-your-own-technique thing over for several weeks, I finally got to another step that I hadn't seen coming. But now I realize it was another piece of this puzzle. My friend Bruce was helping me pinpoint what exactly it is that I want to learn to do. I had so many ideas but hadn't really focused on one thing. He said that's the idea, focus on one thing and that's the thing that will begin taking off for you. Oh. I keep forgetting that. I really needed to focus my attention on one idea or desire and put my efforts there. So I made a list of some things and found that getting re-acquainted with that feeling of being connected to my own feeling of Guidance was at the top of the list. I figured once I became successful with my goals there, it would take a lot of the edge off and make my other goals easier, especially since this part of my spiritual life was something that could sometimes make me feel very lost without it.
So now that I had some solid plan in mind of what I could be working toward, I was back to thinking about the technique process I was supposed to be coming up with. As usual, I make things way more complicated than they need to be. And in the process of coming up with a technique, it got me more interested in my second-most important spiritual practice goal. Healing. Healing has always been a huge interest and passion of mine. And I've actually had some amazing results with various experiences that have to do with healing. So I began to think in terms of combining my desires and efforts to put these two things together. Maybe one way I could use my connection to Guidance was to work on giving healing to others. After all, healing was as big of a desire of mine as connecting with people's deceased loved ones. Maybe there actually can be a connection for the two--this is getting exciting.
Anyway, back to my technique. One night out of the blue, for fun, I began playing with the sensation of energy between my hands. You know where you place your hands close together, palm sides, and roll your hands around in circular motions until you feel an energy feeling like two magnets repelling each other? I call that my energy ball. I never really thought about what it is, other than a sensation of my own energy. I found that while playing with it, trying to intensify the energy feeling and make it stronger, I was visualizing it (eyes closed) and concentrating on the feeling of actually creating this ball. That kind of concentration and visualization effort reminded me of what it feels like to be connected to my Guidance feeling, really being in the moment.
So that in itself had become a technique I could use. Having that center of focus absorbed my attention and concentration, while pulling my attention away from all other thoughts. I realized why a center of focus was necessary and why it worked in visualization and guided meditation. I noticed that kind of calm and relaxation were the same types of feelings as when I pray, plan goals, work through a problem to find a solution, send love to someone I care about, and set intention for my goals. Then I realized, if this kind of feeling reminded me of all these things, then the technique for getting here acted as a center of focus for directing my conscious awareness to whatever I wanted. As long as I had something that I could concentrate my attention on, it greatly enhanced my ability to focus my thoughts away from all the things that normally distract me while meditating.
I began practicing with imagining infusing my energy ball with healing energy, so that I could then imagine using that energy to send healing to my sore hands and fingers. (Have had trigger fingers for quite some time, very painful). Doing this each day worked on relieving the pain, but I found I enjoyed working with the meditative process more than I cared about curing my pain! My interests quickly maneuvered me to wondering what else I could be doing with this concentrated effort of focused attention. After a lot of playing and practice with the energy ball feeling, I found that my hands and arms would become tired too easily to continue physically creating and feeling the ball, so I turned my attention to just imagining the energy ball feeling. After all, the technique wasn't the important thing per se, it was the intention. As long as I had a way to get my attention focused in the state of mind I was looking for, the technique didn't matter. I found that my practice had made it easy for me to just close my eyes, imagine myself doing the energy ball, and it would bring on the feelings of my connection to Guidance and the feeling of what Bruce Moen calls Placing Intent Consciousness. The practice of it had made a feeling connection that I could quickly attain just through the desire to do so.
Now I was beginning to see what Bruce means when he reaches connection with a person who is deceased simply by desiring to do so. He just thinks or says their name, with the desire to connect with their area of consciousness, and he's there. It is the same with my new practices I was working on. As I continue working with it, one of the things on my "to try" list is to use my new technique for making contact with someone deceased. I'd also like to utilize these efforts for more healing work, something along the lines of Reiki I suppose (although I've never studied it). I'll keep working on my ideas.
My desire to come up with my own technique was really beginning to show some promise. I not only came up with a technique that could easily focus my awareness, but I also quickly learned to make it work for me as instantaneous as a mere thought. Now all I need is opportunity to put this to some use. If I was going to do what my psychic acquaintence friend did with doing readings for people while communicating with their deceased loved ones, then I'd need to practice on people. Same with practicing some energy healing work. I'd need to practice on someone. I'm definitely going to utilize this for doing retrieval work as well (